My loyalty lay in warm safe beds within the walls of the home I grew up in. Within a home and a house a score of minutes a way, a half a day’s journey. My ideals are the virtues and universal lessons I learned in Sunday school, at home, in stories and my own witnessed experiences of human value, all value, any value, true value.
I love this nation, it is my home. Yet its borders are less real than the walls of my home, the room where I sleep. A nation is as real and as fragile as the dusty cobwebs unswept from attic eaves. People are real. Hunger is real. Pain is real. Joy is real. Blood is real, and it stains.
What man has a right to tell another how to live his life? Does not this government, this long ago chosen form of political dictation, application, and function, does it not belong to us? It is ours by our will, and our will alone. This is a nation of the people, by the people, and is supposed to be for the people, not the persons, the few, the fiscal minority, who wield the majority, the capital, the power, the means and the command.
Beware the pugilists, the angry, the hate filled, the wild eyes, the smirking plutocrat, the war hawks, the fear mongers, the finger pointers, the so called patriots. Point a finger away so none look at the legal criminals. Make the decent fear so they will pay the thieves. Drive the young into bloodlust so they will spear themselves on the enemy’s barbs and shrapnel. Keep the plebes distracted so they see nothing of the crass evil around them.
Yet we sleep soundly, sometimes that sleep disturbed the media fed image of a horrific act of terror, more scared of lightning strikes and plane crashes than homicide or alcohol ridden car wrecks.
Drive them into fear and frenzy, point determinedly out where the evil is with catch phrases and words. Wave the banners and pins of loyalty, bandwagon propaganda, fear of not being in the group, being good.
Does the devil appear to you in hooves and horns?
What is more evil, a fiend committing sins among the wicked, or a good man mislead into harming another good man?
Is the righteous path easy or obvious?
Hate, violence and evil: the hurting hand, is as contagious as the helping hand that breeds gratitude, generosity, mutual respect: peace.
I challenge those who espouse to live fervently by the New Testament and His teachings, to actually practice them. You so called “Christians,” who whoop fear and hate of the other, the enemy. And to the so called “Muslims,” who distort holy texts into violence and destruction, hell does not discriminate hypocrites and murderers of one faith from another.