Monday, September 19, 2011

"It isn't class warfare, it's math."

Grad school has kept me busy the last two years, but I feel the need to give this a shot.

Nice to hear our leader utter such simple truth in times of contrary statements and doublespeak. Class warfare is the demonization of civil servants as lazy corrupt leaches on the American tax payer. I guess certain factions would prefer to pay for roads, bridges, police and fire protection, education, oh yes, and don’t forget our military, by private and corporate means only. Black Water, yeah, that was a great idea. There’s a reason mercenary armies went out of fashion in the 17th century (read up on the Thirty Years’ War or Candide for examples).

...I can hardly listen to NPR anymore, for fear of developing dangerously high blood pressure—and this is a source I trust. Publicly funded, no corporate bias, what a crazy idea!

The fear and anger that the media portrays our country to be in grips with is nothing new to a nation that is on the other side of hegemony. The rhetoric we here today the same it was 30 years ago. No new topics. Promote patriarchy and control women—ban same gender marriage, outlaw abortion, promote religious agendas. Distract the working and middle class from their stagnant economic status with an enemy—blame Hispanics, Mexicans, “illegals,” give them something to fear, and dont' forget the Gays, they're out to get you too. Assuage that fear with Second Amendment patriotic driven dribble, meanwhile completely ignoring the First Amendment when it comes to expression and church-state matters.

I’ve heard that most American’s are quite ignorant of their own nation’s history, let alone the rest of the world. As a former educator, I know this is true of our youth. This should prove beneficial to forces promoting skewed history, outright lies, and the same kind of unoriginal oppressive tactics employed for centuries. It’s almost as if conservative leaders read 1984, lesser well known It Can’t Happen Here, and the even more obscure Iron Heel and thought, “what a great idea!!” But then, most Americans don’t have a stomach to read anything off the NY Times bestseller list. Think you understand poor people? Try out Grapes of Wrath.

And before you label me a liberal, a Democrat, a socialist, or a crazy god hating communist, let me state that I am in favor of fiscal conservatism, at least controlled spending and a responsible budget that still provides the public with its services. Otherwise, paint me what you want. My beef is with social conservatives. Don’t you fucking dare tell me how to live! Keep God in your churches, and out of my politics. And just for the record, if our last president hadn’t started two wars and cut taxes for the super wealthy, then the government might not be bankrupt as fiscally as it is morally.

I don’t care if you agree with me or not, it’s your constitutional right and civil responsibility to make up your own mind.